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6.030 Staff/Student Non-Fraternization

6.030 Staff/Student Non-Fraternization

Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) believes that all staff members shall maintain professional relationships with students conducive to an effective educational environment. It requires all staff members to conduct themselves in a manner, which will maintain the authority and respect necessary in an educational setting. Therefore, any dating relationships or other social relationships, which may reasonably be perceived to be dating between any staff member and any student, is expressly prohibited. Staff members shall not entertain students or socialize with students in such a manner as to give an impression to students, parents and the public that a dating relationship exists. While C.E.S. encourages positive, warm and supportive relationships with students, all agency personnel shall maintain a professional, ethical relationship with students and refrain from improper fraternization or undue familiarity with students. Additionally, staff members shall not have any interaction of a sexual nature, with any student at any time regardless of the student’s age, status or consent.

Legal References: Connecticut General Statutes 10-53a-71
Connecticut General Statutes 10-151

ADOPTED: October 7, 2004

Staff/Student Non-Fraternization Guidelines

Staff members are expected to use good judgment in their relationships with students both inside and outside of the school context including but not limited to the following guidelines:

1. Staff members shall not make derogatory or sexually suggestive comments to students or other staff in the presence of students.
2. Staff members shall not associate with students at anytime in any situation or activity, which could be misconstrued as a date.
3. Staff members should not invite students to parties or special gatherings that are not considered sanctioned extra-curricular activities.
4. Any sexual relationship, contact or sexually nuance behavior or communication (verbal/non-verbal or written) between a staff member and a
student is prohibited.
5. Dating between staff members and students is prohibited.
6. Staff members shall not send students on personal errands.
7. Staff members shall immediately report known violations of this policy to their assigned administrator.

Staff Contact with Students After Program Hours Guidelines

C.E.S. does not assume responsibility if a parent and staff member mutually agree to arrange for non-school sponsored activities (e.g., “baby-sitting”). However, it realizes that such services may be requested of staff who in turn may choose to carry-out such requests. It is suggested that staff members consider the following guidelines when considering such activities:

1. Staff members should never schedule an activity with a student after program hours without the expressed consent (preferably written) of the student’s parent/guardian.
2. Staff members should inform their assigned administrator in advance of all scheduled activities with students that are not part of their program responsibilities.
3. Staff members should avoid scheduling an activity that would involve them being alone with a student or group of students.
4. Staff members should avoid arranging student activities at their home.
5. Staff members should avoid arranging activities that can be misconstrued as a “date”.
6. Staff members should report to their assigned administrator any personal contact made by a student to them.
7. Staff members should refrain from providing personal counseling services (paid or unpaid) outside of program hours to students related to sexual behavior, substance abuse, mental or physical health and/or family relationships that haven’t been officially approved by the agency, district or their assigned administrator.
8. Staff members should refrain from providing students with their personal telephone numbers or address as a means of encouraging personal contact after program hours.

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