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6.025 Use of Student-Owned Cellular Telephones and Electronic Devices

6.025 Use of Student-Owned Cellular Telephones and Electronic Devices

The Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) Representative Council recognizes that an effective public education system develops students who are globally aware, civically engaged, and capable of managing their lives and careers. The Council also believes that electronic devices have become an integral part of the educational process to enhance student learning. Most students possess such devices and parents support their appropriate use in a school setting. Therefore, the Council encourages the appropriate use of electronic devices in the classroom or other school settings. The personal use of electronic devices must not endanger persons or property, disrupt the educational process, or violate a publicized policy of the Board.

Consistent with Connecticut law, C.E.S. prohibits the possession or use of devices while on school property, on school transportation vehicles or while attending school- sponsored activities on or off school property, unless the student obtains the written permission of his/her C.E.S. Program Administrator. Such permission shall only be granted if the student, or his/her parent/guardian, or the teacher establishes to the satisfaction of the Program Administrator that a reasonable basis exists for the possession and use of the device.

C.E.S. Program Administrators will require parents to request such permission, in writing.

C.E.S. educational personnel, who discover a student in possession or use of a cellular mobile telephone or personal electronic device without the permission of the Program Administrator shall report the violation to the Program Administrator. The Program Administrator or his/her designee may confiscate the device and will contact the student’s parent/guardian. When the device is confiscated, it will be kept in the Program Administrator’s office until the end of the school day, at which time it will be returned to the student. Repeated violations of this policy shall result in confiscation of the device, a loss of consent to bring such a device to school and, when warranted, consideration of disciplinary action.

Use in the classroom or technology area

Appropriate use of electronic devices and systems enrich the teaching and learning process by permitting access to external references and learning tools including on line texts, interpretations, and other resources thereby connecting the classroom to the world. Use of electronic devices is inextricably linked to greater success in the acquisition of skills and competencies and prepares students for post-secondary
education, the workplace and life.

Use of electronic devices is not appropriate where safety is a concern, such as in physical education classes where students physically engaged. Classroom use of electronic devices is subject to regulation by the teacher and a social contract is encouraged subject to classroom rules developed as part of the social contract.

If electronic devices are utilized by the instructor as part of a planned instructional design, cooperative grouping ensures that all students have access to the electronic device.

Use in non-instructional areas

Electronic communication is not permissible in the cafeteria, before and after school, lockers, bathrooms, and between classes.

Inappropriate use

Inappropriate use by the student is behavior defined by the C.E.S. Discipline Policy and is subject to disciplinary consequences and confiscation. If confiscated, electronic devices can be retained for a defined period of time.

Electronic devices should not be used during a lock down.

Electronic devices may not be used for video-recording or audio-recording that does not support student instruction, research and staff development.

Electronic devices may be seized and contents searched if there is reasonable suspicion that there has been a criminal or policy violation.


Security regarding electronic devices is a legitimate concern and guidance should be provided to both student and teacher that electronic devices are the responsibility of the owner. C.E.S. is not financially obligated to replace or repair any damaged student- owned electronic devices.

Use of the electronic device can be denied during assessments and examinations and may be required to be visible with power off, or collected.

Legal References (s): CGS 10-233j

ADOPTED: October 2, 2003
REVISED: November 7, 2013

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