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6.021 Use of Video for Instruction/Reinforcement

6.021 Use of Video for Instruction/Reinforcement

Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) permits the use of videos when they can support or enhance instruction or can serve as a means of
reinforcement/recreation for students attending C.E.S. programs. For instructional purposes their use must either directly support particular instructional learning objectives or enhance an area of curriculum goals. For reinforcement/recreation purposes their use must clearly meet a desired student/classroom behavioral objective and satisfy acceptable viewing standards established for youth audiences. The selection criteria for choosing videos for either instructional or reinforcement/recreational purposes should include quality of the overall presentation and its individual parts; fair and accurate representation of the facts; appropriateness regarding content in relation to the age and development level of the students; and the overall suitability/appropriateness for a school setting.

Videos used for either instruction or reinforcement/recreation should be carefully previewed and evaluated for content and program appropriateness prior to classroom or program use/viewing. This advanced planning and preparation will allow educational personnel (e.g., teachers) to establish appropriate learning objectives, develop educationally sound follow-up activities and/or establish the reinforcement/recreation value and rationale for the time spent viewing the particular video recording. It is imperative that educational personnel be sensitive to the variability among parental attitudes, values and receptivity toward videos of all types. They should also carefully check the content/ratings of such videos to ensure an appropriate correlation to the age/maturity level of the viewing students. Reviews should take into consideration sexual language, behavior or innuendo; violence, criminal behavior, religious themes, promotion of bias of any type, drug use, horror or frightening themes and other more mature themes. Videos should be legally acquired and as reflected in accompanying administrative procedures be approved for use in the classroom/program. Parents will be annually notified about this policy and procedures. Parent consent will be obtained for PG and PG 13 videos when warranted and for all R rated videos used for instructional purposes.

ADOPTED: June 5, 2003

Instruction Procedures

The use of videos is encouraged at all levels of instruction provided that it gives support to instructional learning objectives and that the material is directly related to curriculum content and specific curriculum goals. Video resources should not only enhance the instructional activity but should also address the different learning styles and modality preferences of the students with whom it will be used. Consistent with agency policy, educational personnel must:
• preview the video in its entirety prior to classroom/program use or viewing;
• establish appropriate learning objectives for the use of the video and where deemed appropriate educationally sound follow-up activities using
the agency Video Approval Form (Form A);
• check the rating of the video to ensure that it correlates with the age/developmental/maturity level of the students involved and the grade
level restrictions listed below;
• seek the approval of their assigned program administrator or supervisor for any video rated PG, PG 13, or R;
• obtain parental consent using Parent Consent Form B for any video rated PG
PG 13 when the content includes sexual language, behavior or innuendo; violence, criminal behavior, religious themes, promotion of bias of any type, drug use, horror or frightening themes and other more mature themes; and
• obtain parental consent for any video rated R prior to its viewing by using the designated agency form (Form B).

A list of videos that may be used to support instructional activities/specific curriculum goals will be available for parental review at the school site. The list will be updated throughout the year if new, administrative approved videos need to be added.

The agency Video Approval Form (Form A) must be completed for any video used for instructional purposes that are not on the approved list, and be submitted to their program administrator/supervisor at least five (5) school days prior to anticipated viewing.

• Preschool students are restricted to G rated videos.
• Elementary school students are restricted to G and PG ratings.
• Middle and High School students may view G, PG and PG 13 rated videos.
• PG and PG 13 rated videos require the approval of the program administrator/supervisor and the permission of the parent, when warranted, as noted above, prior to viewing. R rated videos require both the approval of the program administrator/supervisor and the permission of the parent prior to viewing.
• Educational personnel (e.g., teachers) must prepare an alternate instructional activity for those students who are not allowed to view the video.

Reinforcement/Recreation Procedures

Videos for reinforcement and/or recreation purposes must be legally acquired and be approved by the program administrator prior to being used in the classroom/program. Certain G or PG rated videos may be routinely used as a replacement for outdoor recess (e.g., due to inclement weather) and can be used without any prior consent. The program will maintain a listing of G or PG rated videos/movies that are approved for use and do not require parental consent. For all other videos (including G or PG rated movies not on the approved list) educational personnel must complete the designated agency Video Approval Form (Form A) at least five (5) school days prior to the designated viewing date to
seek their program administrator’s approval. Consistent with agency policy, educational personnel must:

• preview the video in its entirety prior to classroom/program use or viewing;
• develop a written explanation of how the video will serve as a reinforcement/recreation activity for its intended students using the agency
Video Approval Form;
• check the rating of the video to ensure that it correlates with the age/developmental/maturity level of the students involved and the grade
level restrictions listed below;
• seek the approval of their assigned program administrator or supervisor for any video rated PG or PG 13;
• obtain parental approval for any video rated PG or PG 13, when the content includes sexual language, behavior or innuendo; violence, criminal
behavior, religious themes, promotion of violence of any type, drug use, horror or frightening themes and other more mature themes. Parent consent should be obtained for each individual video shown for reinforcement/recreation purpose using Form B.

• Preschool students are restricted to G rated videos.
• Elementary school students are restricted to G and PG ratings.
• Middle and High School students may view G, PG & PG 13 rated videos.
• PG and PG 13 rated videos require the approval of the program administrator/supervisor and the permission of the parent, when warranted, as noted above, prior to viewing.
• Educational personnel (e.g., teachers) must prepare an alternate reinforcement/recreational activity for those students who are not allowed to
view the video.

Field Trips to Movies/Video Presentations

With regard to field trips to movie theaters or other similar video presentations, the educational personnel must complete the agency Video
Approval Form (Form A) in addition to the agency Field Trip Request Form.

Parental permission will be required for students to attend movies outside C.E.S. (Parent Consent - Form B). Consistent with school video viewing procedures grade level rating restrictions will apply.

All educational personnel must follow guidelines related to the use of commercial video use in the classroom. The video/movie must be legally acquired. The educational personnel requesting approval must view the video in its entirety prior to seeking administrative approval. If the video
is not on the program’s approved list, this form must be completed. Administrative approval must be obtained at least 5 school days prior to the proposed viewing date.

Teacher’s Name:
Class or Program Activity:
Title of Video:
How was Video Obtained? Rating:
Purpose for Showing Video: (check all that apply)

Instruction Recreation/Reinforcement
Field Trip Activity (i.e., movie theater)
For Instruction: Curriculum Connection/Relevance:

Specify Instructional Objectives for Use of Video:

Planned Follow-Up Activities:

For Recreation/Reinforcement: How will video serve as a recreation/reinforcement activity?

State Behavioral Objectives for Use of Video:

Planned Follow-Up Activities (if applicable):

Provide Names of Educational Personnel who Previewed Video:

Date Video Previewed:
Comments about video related to content and impact on students viewing video:

Program Administrator’s Approval: Approved Not Approved
Add to Approved Video List: Yes No
Seek Parental Consent: Yes No
Signature: Date:


This is to inform you that our class will be viewing the following video/movie:

in part in total
which has been rated: G PG PG 13 R*
*only for instructional purposes
This video/movie is being shown:
as part of an instructional lesson on or

as part of a reinforcement/recreation activity on
Where applicable:



(Name of Theater) (City)

The video/movie is being shown to support the following instructional objective(s) or if being shown as a reinforcement/recreation activity to support the following behavioral objectives:

If you do not grant permission, your child will be involved in an alternate instructional activity or alternate reinforcement/recreation activity during this period. Where applicable, your child’s grade will not be impacted by your decision. Please return this form only if you do not want your child to participate in the viewing of the film.

I do not give permission for my child to view this video/attend this movie.

Print Name Date


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