6.020 Policy and Procedures Concerning Promotion/Retention
6.020 Policy and Procedures Concerning Promotion/Retention
Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) recognizes that all students should be placed in instructional programs in which they can achieve academically as well as emotionally, socially and physically. It is our expectation that given a strong learning community, the vast majority of the students will advance from grade to grade throughout their school years. However, it is recognized that some individual students under certain circumstances may benefit from a year of retention to develop their educational potential. Every effort will be made to support these students prior to reaching such a decision. Additionally, family members will be actively engaged in the decision making process regarding the possibility of retention for their child. It is the belief of C.E.S. that this would be an action of last resort.
Rationale: Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) believes in assessing children developmentally and makes grade placement decisions based on what we know about a particular child. We look at children closely, and assess them using observation, work sampling, and both informal and formal testing. We share our findings with families through conferences and regular progress reports.
There are times when a child’s cognitive, emotional and social development does not match that child’s chronological age. After looking at work samples, and using a variety of assessment techniques and meeting with families, we may recommend that a child be retained. Usually the child’s chronological age makes them younger than their current peers, and so we grant that child “the gift of time” by having them repeat a year in the same grade. Retention is an option when we believe that a year with the same curriculum, and ideally, the same teacher, will
benefit the child.
Promotion is also dependent on attaining a passing average for subject area courses. The completion of a summer course of study may be required for promotion in some cases. For all grade levels (elementary, middle and high school), retention decisions will be made using observations, work sampling, and informal and formal testing, along with teacher and parent reports.
The decision to retain a student will be made on a case-by-case basis. School teams of teachers, and specialists will collaborate with families to arrive at this difficult decision. Efforts will typically be made to identify candidates for retention in January. Individual members of the school pupil personnel team will observe the child and then conference with the teacher and the student’s family about concerns no later than March of a given school year. A final decision regarding retention will be made by May in consultation with the child’s family.
Reference: Connecticut General Statute 10 – 221