6.017 Six to Six Family Involvement
6.017 Six to Six Family Involvement
From its inception, the Six to Six Interdistrict Magnet School has adopted and implemented the Yale University Bush Center’s Comer-Zigler model (CoZi) for school reform. This model’s primary focus is on family involvement. To ensure family participation it is the policy of Six to Six that:
Families participate in school governance by membership on the School Planning and Management Team as well as on our Parent Teachers Association.
The school provides multiple opportunities for family members to participate in the daily life of school by volunteering in classrooms and by taking part in school- wide events and activities.
Family members participate as class parents, buddy families, literacy volunteers, and read-aloud volunteers.
Families participate in a Family/School/Community partnership planning team that is responsible for developing relationships with neighborhood organizations, not-for-profits and the business sector.
Families are encouraged to avail themselves of the resources that both the school and our community provide through the Family Resource Center and the work of our Family/School coordinator.
Rationale: Research indicates that high performing schools encourage high parental involvement. Recognizing that parents and families are not only a child’s first teacher but a child’s lifetime coach, it is essential that schools make clear to parents and families what opportunities they have to participate in their child’s formal education and to provide input to policy for school governance.