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6.016 Homework

6.016 Homework

Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) believes homework and other out-of-
class assignments are an extension of clearly defined classroom activities. The amount and degree of difficulty of homework should take into consideration the student’s age, developmental level, grade, ability, and level of independence.
The purpose of homework is to:
 strengthen basic skills;
 enrich student learning through application;
 develop initiative, responsibility and self-direction;
 build independent study skills;
 teach budgeting of study time;
 build confidence by ensuring successful learning experiences;
 foster social communication;
 and promote parent understanding of the curriculum.

The special education needs and requirements in a student’s Individual
Education Program (I.E.P.) or Section 504 plan may also influence how
homework is assigned to students.

ADOPTED: March 1, 2012

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