6.013 Behavior Management Strategies including Seclusion, Restraint, and Exclusionary Time Out
6.013 Behavior Management Strategies including Seclusion, Restraint, and Exclusionary Time Out
Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) utilizes a comprehensive approach to address the behavioral, educational and social-emotional needs of students. An integral component of each program’s treatment process is a behavior management system. Each system is rooted in principles of proactive behavior management and is guided by a least restrictive treatment model. More restrictive interventions, should they be necessary, are implemented in a predictable and consistent manner which afford the student the opportunity to make choices. Consistent with Public Act 99-210 and Public Act 15-141, the systems also include the use of physical restraint and seclusion, which can be used as emergency interventions to prevent immediate or imminent injury to self or others. Additionally, C.E.S. may use an exclusionary time out to allow for a student to self-regulate their behavior consistent with Public Act 18-51. Consistent with Public Act 15-141 and Public Act 17-220, C.E.S. will identify Crisis Intervention Teams at each student-based program to respond to the use of emergency interventions such as physical restraint and seclusion.
The C.E.S. Representative Council authorizes the use of such behavior management strategies and emergency interventions when necessary, appropriate and in keeping with specific written administrative procedures as approved by the Executive Director. All C.E.S. Crisis Intervention Team members will receive annual training on the use of proactive behavior strategies and the safe use of more restrictive interventions such as physical restraint and seclusion. Data will be maintained related to use of more restrictive and/or emergency interventions and when requested be made available to the Commissioner of Education.
ADOPTED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: October 1, 2015
REVISED: October 5, 2017
REVISED: November 1, 2018