6.008 Policy Concerning Student Discipline and Dismissal Actions from C.E.S. Programs
6.008 Policy Concerning Student Discipline and Dismissal Actions from C.E.S. Programs
Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) recognizes that it is the responsibility of program personnel to maintain a safe and orderly environment for learning to take place and to ensure the safety of children in school, school-sponsored activities on or off school grounds and transportation to and from school.
The Executive Director is authorized to establish administrative procedures that permit program administrators to take necessary disciplinary actions consistent with Connecticut General Statutes for student conduct that threatens the welfare of people who study or work at school, endangers property or persons, is seriously disruptive of the educational process or violates a law or a policy of the C.E.S. Representative Council. All decisions regarding disciplinary action (e.g., in-school suspension vs. out- of-school suspension) should take into account whether the student’s conduct poses a danger to persons or property or a serious disruption of the educational process. Consideration should be given to whether there are any mitigation factors (e.g., age, development, first time offense, etc.) that might lead to a consideration of whether an in- school suspension vs. an out-of-school suspension might be warranted. Program personnel are encouraged to establish age and developmentally appropriate expectations for behaviors that are conducive to the development and maintenance of a
healthy, orderly and safe learning environment.
Pursuant to Public Act 22-81, a school employee may only restrict the time a student participates in physical exercise (i.e. recess or physical education) if the student poses a danger to the health or safety of other students or school personnel, or it is limited to the shorter period if there are two or more periods devoted to physical exercise, so long as the student is allowed to participate in at least twenty minutes of physical activity during the school day. Additionally, students’ access to physical activity may only be restricted one time during a school week, unless the student is a danger to the health or safety of other students or school personnel. Student restriction from physical activity must not be unreasonable or punitive, or allow prevention or restriction of time devoted to physical exercise if a student does not complete their work on time or as a result of a student’s academic performance.
Program administrators and personnel will vigorously pursue all information regarding students who may be in possession of and/or involved in the sale of weapons, dangerous instruments, drugs and alcohol or acts/threats of violence consistent with agency administrative procedures herein. C.E.S. will provide program personnel appropriate training on the topics of behavior management techniques, conflict resolution and school violence prevention. In addition, C.E.S. will provide annual notification to parents/guardians and when appropriate, students concerning school conduct and school discipline.
ADOPTED: September 19, 1989
REVISED: March 2, 1995
REVISED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: September 5, 2002
REVISED: May, 2009
REVISED: November 3, 2022
Reference: Sec. 10-233a-j - Connecticut General Statutes and as Amended
-Removal of Pupils From Class
-Suspension of Pupils
-Expulsion of Pupils, etc.
-Notice as to Disciplinary Policies & Action
-In-school Suspension of Pupils
-Boards to Report School Violence, etc.
C.E.S. Guidelines for the Employment of Behavior Management Strategies
C.E.S. Policy and Administrative Procedures Concerning Chemical Health and Student Substance Abuse
C.E.S. Policy and Administrative Regulations Concerning Student Sexual Harassment
C.E.S. Policy and Administrative Procedures Regarding Confidentiality of Student Records
PA 02-119 An Act Concerning Bullying Behavior in Schools
PA 07-122 An Act Concerning Suspensions and Expulsions by Local and Regional Boards of Education
PA 07-66 An Act Concerning In-School Suspensions.
PA 22-81 Withholding Time Devoted to Physical Activity