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6.003 AIDS Instruction Policy

6.003 AIDS Instruction Policy

In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes 10-19 (b), Cooperative Educational Services shall offer planned, ongoing and systematic instruction on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The content of such instruction will be developmentally based and consistent with objectives that are developed for specific grade or grade equivalency levels. Such instruction will be provided at minimum at least once every three years by the Division of Special Education direct services programs and consistent with IEPs established for individual students at their annual PPT meetings. Cooperative Educational Services permits parents or guardians to exempt their child from such instruction upon receipt of a written request from the parent or guardian. Parents or guardians will be annually notified of their right to exempt their child from such instruction. Students exempt from such instruction will participate in alternate instruction consistent with the student’s IEP.

ADOPTED: September 19, 1989
REVISED: December 17, 1992
REVIEWED: June 1, 2000

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