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6.002. Policy and Administrative Procedures Concerning Protection of Children from Abuse

6.002. Policy and Administrative Procedures Concerning Protection of Children from Abuse

C.E.S. requires employees designated by state law to report suspected cases of child abuse/neglect or at risk children in order to protect children whose health and welfare may be adversely affected through injury and neglect.

The Executive Director is authorized to establish administrative procedures, including appropriate staff training and the establishment of a confidential rapid response team, so as to insure the recognition and reporting of suspected child abuse/neglect or at risk children by personnel as specified in the Connecticut General Statutes and as amended.

As required under Public Act 22-87, each year C.E.S. will distribute this policy, and its regulations, electronically to all employees, Representative Council members, and parents/guardians.

Connecticut General Statutes Section 17a-101 and
17a-103 Connecticut General Statutes Section 46a-11a-c
Public Act 02-106
Public Act 02-138
Public Act 04-12
Public Act 15-205
Public Act 22-87

ADOPTED: June 19, 1990
REVISED: November 19, 1992
REVISED: November 17, 1996
REVIEWED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: September 5, 2002
REVISED: October 1, 2003
REVISED: August 10, 2004
REVISED: September 3, 2015
REVISED: November 3, 2022

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