5.018 Responsible Use of Technology, Social Media, and Agency Network Systems
5.018 Responsible Use of Technology, Social Media, and Agency Network Systems
The Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.) Representative Council provides students, staff and community members with access to a large variety of technology and network resources which provide multiple opportunities to enhance learning within the agency network and on the Internet. Communication within the agency, the community and global entities are encouraged as part of 21st century skills. All learners need and deserve 21st century learning opportunities to thrive as tomorrow's leaders, workers, and citizens. However, all users must exercise appropriate and responsible use of Agency technology and information systems. Users include anyone authorized by administration to use the network. This policy is intended to promote the most effective, safe, productive, and instructionally sound uses of network information and communication tools.
The Agency technology infrastructure is defined as all technology related resources, including but not limited to; software, hardware, cabling and connections that provide access to resources, including the Internet. Agency devices as well as personal devices are subject to the guidelines when using the agency network or representing the agency in communications. The Agency maintains content filtering devices and software programs that control access to resources and meet the Federal standards established in the Children's Internet Protection Act. (CIPA) Such technology protection measure shall be in operation during any use of computers with Internet access. However, it is recognized that this measure alone is no guarantee that users will not be able to find Internet resources which are profane, offensive, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. The ultimate responsibility for appropriate use of internet resources lies with the user.
Digital Citizen
Definition: "Self-monitored participation that reflects conscious interdependence with all (visible and less visible) community members."
A responsible digital citizen is one who:
A. Respects one's self:
a. Users will select online names and logins that are appropriate and will consider the information and images that are posted online to ensure appropriateness. Users will not share login and password information.
B. Respects others:
a. Users are prohibited from using Agency network systems and social media to bully, tease, or harass other people. Users will communicate
in a professional respectful manor with anyone engaged (See Policy 6.015 Bullying Behavior).
C. Protects one's self and others:
a. Users will follow protocols that will protect themselves and others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or
D. Respects authorship:
a. Users will properly reference or cite work, websites, books, media, etc., used in any student work.
Responsible Use
Responsible use of the Agency's technology resources is expected to be ethical, respectful, and academically honest. Digital storage on agency servers or on the cloud as well as technology devices used for any purpose will be treated as extensions of the Agency's technology. The Executive Director, or his or her designee, may review files and communications including electronic mail to ensure that users are using the system in accordance with Agency policy. Users should not have any expectation of privacy in files stored electronically. Electronic files, data
and communications stored or disseminated through the Agency's technology may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.
Users may not access the Agency's networks without prior written authorization and are expected to comply with the following rules of network etiquette and citizenship, including but not limited to:
A. Use of the C.E.S. network, technology devices, the student and parent portal, and social media must be consistent with the Agency's educational objectives and curriculum.
B. Transmission of material in violation of any local, Federal, or State law is prohibited.
C. Intentional or unintentional use of Agency resources to access or process, proxy sites, pornographic, obscene, sexually explicit, harassing, threatening or illegal material or communications or explicit text or files or files dangerous to the integrity of the network is strictly prohibited.
D. Cyberbullying is prohibited at all times, whether in the agency or out of the agency, on any device using any connection.
E. Software, applications, and media may not be installed, downloaded or uploaded without prior approval from the Information Technology Department having an approved Software Form from the Building Principal, Director of Finance and Operations, Associate Executive Director, or Executive Director.
F. Use of the Agency network for commercial activities, product advertisement religious or political campaigning, lobbying, or solicitation of non-agency material is prohibited.
G. Accessing unauthorized chat rooms or instant messaging using the Agency's network is prohibited.
H. Bypassing the Agency's content filter is strictly prohibited.
I. Users may not share their passwords and are expected to maintain their passwords privately and securely.
J. Users shall not vandalize, damage, disable, intentionally disrupt or degrade the Agency's technology systems or network and may be held personally and financially responsible for malicious or intentional damage or interruptions to network service, software, data, user accounts, hardware, and/or any other unauthorized use.
K. Files stored on Agency-managed or cloud networks are the property of the Agency and may be inspected at any time.
L. Materials published electronically must be for educational purposes. Administrators may monitor these materials to ensure compliance with content standards.
M. Each user is responsible for taking reasonable precautions to ensure he or she does not introduce viruses into the Agency's network. All material not belonging to the Agency must be scanned for viruses prior to being placed onto the Agency's computer system. Users should understand that their home computers and laptops might contain viruses. All disks, memory sticks or perpetual media (e.g., DVD, CD) transferred from these computers to the Agency's network must be scanned for viruses.
N. Users shall not "hack into," "snoop," monitor any network traffic or otherwise access data not intended for the user including, but not limited to, other users' files and administrative data.
0. Users shall not violate copyright or otherwise use the intellectual property of another individual or organization without permission.
P. Users shall not plagiarize (to take material created by others and presenting it as if it were one's own) or cheat (to deceive by trickery, mislead or fool).
Q. Users shall not send, transmit, or otherwise disseminate proprietary data, personally identifiable information about students or other confidential information.
Procedures for Use
A. Students shall receive education about the following:
a. Safety and security while using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of electronic communications;
b. The dangers inherent in online disclosure of personally identifiable information; and
c. The consequences of unauthorized access including but not limited to hacking, cyber-bullying, and other unlawful or inappropriate activities
B. All users shall not (I) access or use another person's account without written permission; (2) share their password with anyone else or engage in
activities that would reveal anyone's password; (3) allow others to access a computer that the user is logged on to; or (4) ever sign in, or attempt to sign in, as another person.
C. All student users and their parents are required to sign a written agreement annually, or at the time of enrollment, to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy and any administrative procedures and guidelines. If the agreement is not signed, Agency network privileges will not be given. All employees are required to sign an employee written agreement. If the agreement is not signed, Agency network privileges will not be given. The written agreement may be disseminated using an electronic means.
Violations and Sanctions
Accessing the internet or Agency network is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use and violation of this or any other Agency policy may result in cancellation of all network access. Inappropriate material is defined as any material or use that is inconsistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the educational mission of the Agency. Any user can be denied access temporarily or permanently if the school or Agency administrator determines that a user has used the Internet or Agency network in an inappropriate or unacceptable manner. Students may also be disciplined or subject to other legal action.
No Expectation of Privacy
All users are warned that there should be no expectation of privacy in connection with the use of the Agency's computer resources. Users should not create, store or use messages, files or other information which they do not want school authorities to see. The following reasons explain why users should have no expectation of privacy:
A. The Agency may have a duty under federal law to monitor on-line activities of users and enforce the use of protective measures. Authorized administrators and staff may review use of the Agency's computer resources and the Internet at any time, without reason or prior notice, to maintain system integrity and determine that users are acting responsibly or otherwise consistent with this policy.
B. Computer resources are owned, controlled, and maintained by the Agency. They are provided to staff and students to be used for educational purposes only. Files or any information stored on school-based networks are subject to periodic inspection and routine maintenance.
C. E-mail communications can be stored indefinitely on any number of computers. Copies of messages may be forwarded to others either electronically or on paper. In addition, e-mail sent to non-existent or incorrect user names may be delivered to persons that you never intended.
D. Use of passwords to gain access to the computer network or to encode particular files or messages does not imply that users have an expectation of privacy in such access or materials. The Agency has global passwords that permit it to access all material stored on the computer system, regardless of whether that material has been encoded with a particular user's password.
E. Agency personnel may receive or create e-mail messages and other documents that are public records that may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
Use of Computer Resources by School Personnel
The computer resources are the property of the Agency and may only be used for approved purposes. Users are permitted access to assist them in the performance of their jobs. Occasional use of the computer resources by an individual school employee for personal communications is permitted when the use does not interfere with the employee's or other user's job responsibilities, performance of the computer resources, or operation of the Agency. A short social message and a quick note to a family member are examples of permitted personal use. Use for personal or third party gain or profit, or for entertainment, is strictly prohibited. Solicitation for any purpose, other than to support a community service
drive officially sponsored by the Agency, will not be tolerated.
Responsible Use of Technology, Social Media, and Agency Network Systems
Employees are reminded that this limited, occasional personal use must comply with this policy, and all other policies, regulations and practices of the Agency. Use of computer resources is a privilege that may be revoked at any time, in whole or in part, at the sole discretion of the Agency.
Policy Violations
Users who become aware of any misuse of computer resources must immediately report the incident to the administration. Any violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of school-provided access to computer resources, including the Internet. Additional disciplinary action may be taken in keeping with existing policies, procedures and practices regarding the conduct, including but not limited to suspension and/or expulsion from school (students) or termination of employment (personnel). When appropriate, law enforcement agencies may be involved and legal action or prosecution may result.
Representative Council Liability
The Representative Council makes no warranties of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, for the use of computer resources and the Internet access it is providing.
The Representative Council is not responsible, and shall not be liable, for:
A. Damage resulting from unauthorized or inappropriate Agency network or social media activity;
B. Use of information obtained via the Internet, including any damages a user may incur including but not limited to, loss of data resulting from delays, non- deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by negligence, errors;
C. The accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet;
D. Unfiltered content that may be viewed or downloaded on Agency equipment that has been provided to individuals for use outside Agency property;
E. Issues or damage caused by the connection of personal devices to the Agency's network or improper use of the Agency's network or equipment; or
F. Personally owned devices that are damaged, lost, or stolen.
Notice of Policy
Students and school personnel shall be given notice of this policy annually. All other users shall be given notice of this policy prior to obtaining access to or using Agency computer resources.
Each user is required to sign an Acknowledgement Form stating that they have received notice of and understand this policy and any accompanying administrative regulations.
The administration may issue regulations and guidelines in connection with this policy.
Legal References:
20 U.S.C. 67771nternet Safety (Children's Internet Protection Act)
47 U.S.C. 254 Universal Service
45 C.F.R. 54.520, "Children's Internet Protection Act certifications required from recipients of discounts under the federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries."
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-48d -- Employers engaged in electronic monitoring required to give prior notice to employees. Exceptions. Civil penalty.
ADOPTED: November 1, 2018
Appendix A
Responsible Use Policy Agreement
What is the Responsible Use Policy Agreement?
The Responsible Use Policy was adopted by C.E.S. Representative Council in 2018. The Responsible Use Policy (RUP) outlines the Council's specific
expectations for students' use of the school system's electronic information resources, including the school system's computer networks and the Internet.
The RUP requires the preparation of the Responsible Use Policy Agreement which one parent (or legal guardian) and all students in grades first through twelve are required to sign and return to school before the student will be allowed to access and use these resources. By reading and signing this Agreement, you are giving your permission for your child to use these resources, and you are stating that you understand and will explain to your child what the Agreement means. Students in grades kindergarten through twelve are required to sign the Agreement to indicate that they understand the RUP and the Agreement and agree to abide by them.
New technologies have greatly expanded the amount and type of information available to students and teachers. In addition to our large collection of print media in the school libraries, each school has access to a large array of electronic information systems via electronic periodicals and encyclopedias and the Internet. However, access to so much information brings new responsibilities to use the resources and information responsibly and ethically. Below you will find a summary of the guidelines for accessing and using all the information obtained through these
technologies. We teach a simple and straightforward version of the following guidelines starting in grade K, and we add more complex dimensions as students' progress through the school system.
Student Consent Form
As a user of the C.E.S. electronic information resources and computer networks, I have read, understand and will abide by the Responsible Use Agreement which implements the Responsible Use Policy. I understand that my signature and the signature of one of my parents or legal guardians are preconditions to my accessing and using the Agency's electronic information resources. I also specifically agree to the following:
1. I will use digital technology resources only for educational and research purposes that are consistent with the educational objectives of my teachers and the Representative Council.
2. I will use digital resources in a responsible, ethical and legal manner at all times. I will not intentionally do anything to another users' work on the resources.
3. I will not plagiarize. I will give appropriate citations to an author or resource as the source of information I find.
4. I will use digital technology resources as directed by a teacher or staff member.
5. I will be considerate of other users and data privacy when using Agency resources. I will be polite and use appropriate language at all times. My log-in and password will be kept private and not shared with other users. I will not use another user’s login and password to access the agency network.
6. I will send and receive electronic mail (email) appropriately for educational purposes. I will report any inappropriate email messages or any misuses of email immediately.
7. I will not give out any personal information regarding myself or anyone else in the agency while using email.
8. I will never intentionally damage, degrade or disrupt the electronic information resources, including computer services or computer equipment. I will not tamper with computer hardware or software, vandalize or change data in any way, intentionally introduce computer viruses, attempt to gain access to restricted or unauthorized networks or network services or violate copyright laws. I understand that such activity may be a crime.
9. I will use the portal for educational requirements and will use appropriate language at all times.
10. If I do not follow the rules outlined in this Agreement and in the Responsible Use Policy, I know that I may lose my privilege to use the Agency's electronic information resources. I also know that I may be disciplined for not following the rules and that my parents and I may have to pay for any damage I cause because of my intentional misuse of these resources.
II. I am aware that some violations of the Responsible Use Policy may also be violations of local, state and federal laws and regulations and that I may be prosecuted for violating those laws.
Student Name:______________________
Signed: Date:______________________
Appendix B
Parental Consent Form
Responsible Use Policy Agreement
I give the C.E.S. Representative Council permission to allow my child to access and use the electronic information resources in the schools for educational purposes. I understand that when using a resource such as the Internet, it is impossible to restrict access to all controversial or potentially inappropriate materials or to predict with complete certainty what information a user may locate. I understand that the Agency will use filtering programs, access controls and active supervision of students and will make all reasonable efforts to protect students from any misuses or abuses as a result of their use of the Agency's electronic information resources.
My child and I have read the Council's Responsible Use Policy and this Responsible Use Policy Agreement for grades kindergarten through twelve, and we have discussed the Policy and this Agreement. I understand that my child, in addition, will receive several lessons from school personnel about the Responsible Use Policy and the Responsible Use Policy Agreement.
I understand, and explained to my child, that he or she may lose his or her privilege to use these resources at school and may be disciplined if he or she does not follow all of the rules outlined in the Responsible Use Policy and the Responsible Use Policy Agreement. I understand that my child and I may be held liable for costs incurred by my child's deliberate violation of the Policy.
Student Name______________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ________________
Signed: ___________________________Date: ____________________________
(Parent or Guardian)
Appendix D
I have read and agree to comply with the terms of the C.E.S. Representative
Council's policy no.5.018 governing the use of the Agency's computer resources
by school personnel. I understand that a violation may result in disciplinary action,
including possible termination, as well as civil or criminal liability. I also understand
that I am responsible for financial obligations resulting from my unauthorized use of
the computer resources, and that the Agency may revoke my access privileges at
any time.
Signature: ________________________________________ Date :
Printed Name: __________________
Appendix C
of School Agency Personnel and Guest Users
In accordance with Connecticut law, the C.E.S. Representative Council ("Agency") hereby gives notice to all its employees of the potential use of electronic monitoring in its workplace. While the Agency may not actually engage in the use of electronic monitoring, it reserves the right to do so as management deems appropriate in its discretion, consistent with the provisions set forth in this notice.
"Electronic monitoring", means the collection of information on Agency premises concerning employees' activities or communications, by any means other than direct observation of the employees. Electronic monitoring includes the use of a computer, telephone, wire, radio, camera, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo-optical systems.
The law does not cover the collection of information for security purposes in any common areas of Agency premises which are open to the public, or which is prohibited under other state or federal law.
The following specific types of electronic monitoring may be used by the Agency in its workplaces:
• Monitoring of e-mail, Internet usage and other components of the
Agency's computer resources for compliance with its policies, procedures and guidelines concerning use of such resources.
• Video and/or audio surveillance within the Agency's facilities (other than in restrooms, locker rooms, lounges and other areas designed for the health or personal comfort of employees or for the safeguarding of their possessions).
• Monitoring of employee usage of Agency's telephone systems. the law also provides that, where electronic monitoring may produce evidence of
misconduct, the Agency may use electronic monitoring without any prior notice when it has reasonable grounds to believe employees are engaged in conduct that violates the law, violates the legal rights of the Agency or other employees, or creates a hostile work environment.
Appendix E
(for Contracted Users)
I acknowledge receipt of the C.E.S. Representative Council's policy numbers 5.018 governing the use of the Agency's computer resources and network. As a user of the Board's computer resources and Internet access, I agree to read and comply with the terms of the agency's acceptable use policy. I understand that a violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination, as well as civil or criminal liability. I also understand that I am responsible for financial obligations resulting from my unauthorized use of the computer resources, and that the Agency may revoke my access privileges at any time.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________