5.017. Tuberculosis Screening for C.E.S. Personnel
5.017. Tuberculosis Screening for C.E.S. Personnel
It is the intent of Cooperative Educational Services to maintain a healthy work environment for its employees. Due to the current low rates of transmission of tuberculosis in all parts of Connecticut, routine screening for tuberculosis for all staff is not warranted. However, any personnel hired to work at a C.E.S. National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accredited preschool and kindergarten program shall be tested for tuberculosis at the time of hire and every two years following the initial screening. However, if any C.E.S. employee is exposed to a potentially infectious tuberculosis case or should develop symptoms of tuberculosis, repeat skin testing is required.
ADOPTED: September 7, 2006
REVISED: November 6, 2014
Reference: June 2011 Department of Public Health Guidelines for Tuberculosis Control Screening