5.010 Sick Leave
5.010 Sick Leave
Each full-time Administrator shall be entitled to sick leave with full pay of fifteen (15) days in each year. Unused sick leave may be accumulated from year to year to a maximum of one hundred and eighty (180) days.
Non-certified Employees
Each non-certified employee shall earn sick leave at the rate of one and a quarter (1.25) days per month. The annual sick leave accrual will be made available to each non-certified employee at the start of each fiscal year or at time of hire even though it has not yet been accrued by the employee. Therefore, when an employee separates from employment prior to the end of the fiscal year, and has already used more sick leave than they have accrued, the amount overpaid to the employee will be deducted from the final pay. Sick leave days may be accumulated to maximum of one hundred and fifty (150) days.
Sick Leave Generally
The employee's immediate supervisor and/or Division Director may require medical certifications from a physician or health care provider in the same types and under the same procedures as those applicable to FMLA leave.
Part-time twelve month employees working 20 or more hours per week are eligible for sick leave on a prorated basis.
Part-time employees who are not twelve month employees accrue one (1) hour of sick leave for every forty (40) hours of work (up to an accumulation of forty (40) hours per calendar year) and defined as “service workers” in accordance with Public Act 11-52, Connecticut’s
new paid sick leave law.
The part-time employee must meet the following thresholds before they can begin using accrued sick leave:
1. They must work a total of 680 hours after their hire date; and
2. They must have averaged 10 hours of work per week in the preceding calendar quarter.
According to state law, a part-time employee cannot use more than 40 hours of sick leave in a calendar year.
Employees may use a maximum of one (1) sick day in each fiscal year to attend to routine periodic medical and dental examinations.
Employees may use five (5) of his/her annually awarded sick days for family illness. The family is defined as parents, spouse and children who reside with the employee.
In extenuating circumstances, the employee may file a written appeal to the Executive Director if more time is needed. If approved, the amount of time which will be deducted from the employee’s yearly allocated (not accumulated) sick time will be at the sole discretion of
the Executive Director.
Sick Leave Donation
Sick leave donation is to aid employees who are suffering a prolonged illness as attested to in writing by the physician treating the employee for the illness and have exhausted his/her own leave days.
When an employee has exhausted all leave days, he/she may apply for sick leave donation.
When a certified employee applies for sick leave donation, the CESEA President or his/her designee and the Executive Director or his/her designee shall meet as a committee and decide whether or not to approve the employee’s request. If a non-certified employee applies for sick leave donation, then the executive director or his/her designee will decide whether or not to approve the employee’s request. If approved, the employee requesting the donation shall be consulted as to how notice goes out for the donation.
Individual employees may donate up to five (5) days of sick leave per request. No employee may donate sick leave if the donation leaves them with fewer 90.0 hours (12 days). The employee requesting donation may receive a total of up to sixty (60) sick leave days.
Donated days shall be distributed to the requesting employee one (1) day at a time from the donating employee(s) on a rotating basis.
Sick leave days shall be removed from a donors account only as they are used.
Donors may be anonymous or not, at their discretion.
Denial of requests for sick leave donation shall be made in writing and shall not be grievable.
ADOPTED: October 22, 1986
REVISED: April 25, 1991
REVISED: June 18, 1992
REVISED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: February 1, 2007
REVISED: May 6, 2010
REVISED: January 12, 2012
REVISED: November 1, 2018
REVISED: May 7, 2020
REVISED: November 3, 2022