5.009. Conference Leave and Travel Expense
5.009. Conference Leave and Travel Expense
Attendance by employees at any conference or training session on C.E.S. time requires prior approval from the employee’s immediate supervisor, Division Director, and the Executive Director.
Employees who have received prior approval from their immediate supervisor and Division Director are eligible to be reimbursed for expenses related to attendance at conferences and approved travel on C.E.S. business. Requests for travel and /or conference reimbursement must be submitted on the approved C.E.S. voucher and authorized by the immediate supervisor and Division Director. Employees will be reimbursed for mileage at the rate determined by the C.E.S. Representative Council for miles driven in excess of their regular daily commute. Expenses are reimbursable only with receipts. Travel for less than five (5) miles is not a reimbursable expense.
Employees will not be reimbursed for any motor vehicle fines incurred when operating personal, C.E.S. or rented vehicles on C.E.S. business.
ADOPTED: April 25, 1991
REVISED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: November 1, 2018