5.002. Vacations
5.002. Vacations
1. Twelve Month Employees
1.1. Full-time twelve month employees who work at least thirty-seven and one-half (37 1⁄2) hours per week will be eligible for fifteen (15) days of vacation per year during the first two (2) full fiscal years of employment. For each full fiscal year completed thereafter, full- time twelve month employees will earn 1.667 days of vacation time until they have reached an additional five (5) days of vacation for a maximum total of twenty (20) vacation days.
1.2. During the first year of employment vacation time will be earned at the rate of 1.25 days per month. Vacation time earned in the first fiscal year of employment must be used in that fiscal year prior to June 30, subject to the carry-over provisions provided in section 6 of this policy.
1.3. Provisions of this section shall affect employees hired after November 1, 1992. Employees hired prior to that date shall retain accumulated rights acquired under previous policy.
2. Twelve Month Part-time Employees
2.1. Twelve month part-time employees, both exempt and non-exempt, whose regularly scheduled work hours are at least twenty (20) hours per week but less than thirty-seven and one-half (37 1⁄2) hours per week and equal a minimum of 1040 hours per fiscal year are eligible for vacation on a pro-rated basis in accordance with the applicable provisions of this policy.
3. Administrators
3.1. Full-time twelve-month administrators will be eligible for twenty (20) days of vacation per fiscal year of employment for the first year of
employment. For two full fiscal years completed thereafter, Administrators will earn 2.5 days of vacation time until they have reached five (5) days of vacation for a maximum total of twenty-five (25) vacation days.
3.2. In the first year of employment vacation time will be earned at the rate of 1.667 days per month of service. Vacation time earned in the first fiscal year of employment must be used in that fiscal year prior to June 30, subject to the carry-over provisions provided in section 6 of this policy.
4. Carry-over
4.1. Vacation should be used by June 30 of the fiscal year in which it is earned or granted. Where circumstances intervene to prevent the use of vacation time, then the employee may request that up to fifty (50) percent of earned vacation time be carried forward to the succeeding fiscal year. Such a request must be made in writing to the Executive Director prior to the end of the fiscal year in question.
4.2. Vacation time which has been authorized by carry-over must be used by January 1st of the following fiscal year or be lost.
5. Scheduling Vacations
5.1. All requests for use of vacation time should be submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor four (4) weeks in advance of the date requested.
5.2. Supervisors will be expected to schedule vacation time in a manner which preserves the operating ability of programs and services.
6. General Provisions
6.1. An employee must have been in service more than six (6) months in the first fiscal year in order to count the year towards one of the five years in service required to move to the next level of vacation eligibility.
6.2. Vacation eligibility will be calculated on a fiscal year basis rather than on an anniversary of employment basis.
6.3. After the first fiscal year of service the days of vacation provided herein for each category shall be an ongoing condition of employment without monthly service to earn the same.
6.4. In the event that an employee resigns his/her position during the course of a fiscal year and has used more vacation time in that fiscal year than would be appropriate on a monthly service calculation basis, then the final paycheck of the employee shall be adjusted accordingly to deduct the pre-paid vacation time.
7. School Year Employees
7.1. School year employees including part-time drivers and driver aides are not eligible for vacation. Their work schedule is established by the school year calendar.
8. Exceptions
8.1 Circumstances that are so unusual that they are not covered by Sections 1 – 9, may be requested to be reviewed by the Executive Director. All such requests shall be in writing.
8.2 The decision regarding such requests made by the Executive Director shall be binding and not subject to review.
APPROVED: October 22, 1992
REVISED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: June 5, 2003
REVISED: November 6, 2003
REVISED: November 6, 2008
UPDATED: May 11. 2010 (Section 2.1 language incorporated from existing memo)
REVISED: April 4, 2024