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4.007. Work Days and Hours

4.007. Work Days and Hours

The Representative Council establishes the school calendar annually. School Year employees work the days designated on the school calendar.

The Executive Director establishes the Central Office calendar annually. Twelve Month employees work the days designated on the Central Office calendar. The Executive Director establishes the hours of work for both School Year and Twelve Month personnel. All full-time personnel work thirty-seven and one-half (37-1/2) hours per week, seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours per day, exclusive of lunch.

Certified employees may be required to attend staff meetings beyond the regularly scheduled work day.

ADOPTED: February 21, 1991
REVIEWED: June 1, 2000

4.007A. Procedures for Reporting Work Time and Payroll

Time Sheets

Time sheets must be completed by all C.E.S. employees. They provide a record of time during which the employees perform their work duties as assigned by C.E.S. Time sheets are available through the C.E.S. Administrative offices. Incorrect time sheets will not be accepted by the Finance Office. In addition, the time sheets provide a record of the employee’s use of benefit days:

  • Personal Business Days
  • Vacation Days
  • Legal Holidays
  • Bereavement Days
  • Sick Days
  • Leave With Pay Days
  • Excused Absence

Completing the Time Sheets

1. Each block which represents a normal working day on the time sheet must be filled in.
2. On a day when assigned work duties have been performed by the employee, the block is to be filled:

  • by exempt employees with “Yes”;
  • by non-exempt employees, with the time of day work began, the time the lunch period began, the time the lunch period ended, the time work ended and the total hours worked.

3. On a day when the employee is using one of the benefit days options, the block is to be filled in with the nature of the benefit day in keeping with the C.E.S. personnel policies, practices and procedures.
4. If the employee is absent without pay or without leave, the employee’s supervisor shall so note on the time sheet.
5. All time sheets must be signed by the employee and the supervisor.


Paydays are bi-weekly on Friday.

All time sheets must be received at the C.E.S. Finance Office by Monday noon for the previous two (2) weeks, before the Friday payday. It is the responsibility of the Program Director to insure that time sheets are submitted to the Finance Office at the proper time.

C.E.S. endeavors to insure that employees will receive their payroll checks on a timely basis. If any employee is not available for the normal distribution of payroll checks, that employee may make alternative arrangements with his immediate supervisor to have the payroll check held or picked up by another individual to whom the employee has given written authorization. Said authorization shall authorize the supervisor to release the payroll check to the named person. The supervisor may require that person to show identification prior to releasing the payroll check. An employee wishing to have his payroll check mailed must submit a Request to Mail Payroll Check form to the Payroll Office no later than the Monday morning before the applicable Friday payday.

REVIEWED: June 1, 2000

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