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4.004. Salary Increases Awarding of Advanced Degree –Certified Staff

4.004. Salary Increases Awarding of Advanced Degree –Certified Staff

C.E.S. recognizes employees may be awarded advanced degrees during the school year. Any certified employee who is (1) governed by a C.E.S.
Representative Council approved salary schedule (which recognizes advanced degrees), and (2) receives a recognized advanced degree is eligible to be advanced on the authorized salary schedule.

A transcript, including the award of the advanced degree and related credits, must be sent to the Personnel Office. The C.E.S. Executive Director will make a determination as to whether the degree is qualifying. Employees are urged to review their planned program of studies with the Executive Director prior to inception in order to ensure relevancy.

The work day on which the transcript evidencing the advanced degree is received and recorded in the Personnel Office is the reference day which will be used to determine the date the employee’s salary may be adjusted. Salary adjustments will be made only two times per year, that is, effective the first pay period following September 1st or effective the first pay period following February 1st.

Employees who anticipate receiving advanced degrees must notify their Division Director no later than April 1st preceding the year in which the degree is expected to be received. If the employee fails to notify his or her Division Director as required, no salary adjustments will be made during the following fiscal year. In such cases, where salary adjustments are approved, the adjustment will be made in the first pay period of the next fiscal year.

ADOPTED: March 15, 1988
REVISED: February 21, 1991
REVISED: June 18, 1992
REVISED: June 1, 2000

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