4.003. Annual Wage or Salary Increase
4.003. Annual Wage or Salary Increase
The Executive Director and the Division Directors review employee salaries annually, before the beginning of the next fiscal year on July 1. All annual increases are subject to satisfactory performance by the employee during the year preceding the effective date of the annual increase.
Employees who are paid at the top step of the wage or salary schedule shall be paid at the rates established by the new wage or salary schedule adopted by the C.E.S. Representative Council.
Recommendations to withhold annual increases must be substantiated by the employee’s written performance evaluation. Such recommendations shall be made to the Executive Director by the Division Director no later than June 1st prior to the new fiscal year. Annual increases shall not be withheld without the approval of the Executive Director.
Such placement shall be consistent with any applicable collective bargaining agreements.
ADOPTED: February 21, 1991
REVISED: June 3, 1999
REVISED: June 1, 2000