3.018. Professional Responsibilities – Certified Personnel
3.018. Professional Responsibilities – Certified Personnel
Staff members shall be responsible for following the approved Individual Education Program (IEP) or similar program and for encouraging each student to progress in terms of his ability. This implies initiative by the teacher. Staff members shall acquaint themselves with available instructional materials and shall use them effectively. Staff members shall maintain such records as are required. They shall observe the intent of the procedures used in reporting to parents.
Good discipline is an important responsibility of staff members and they should seek help whenever they feel that such help is needed in the discipline of an individual student or group of students. Appropriate standards for classroom order and neatness, attention to the health and safety of pupils, participation in school activities outside of regular school hours, pursuit of additional professional knowledge and skill and an awareness of the staff member’s important role in public relations may reasonably be expected from the teacher.
Each staff member is directly responsible to his/her program administrator and through him/her to the Division Director and through him/her to the Executive Director. Each teacher shall discharge his/her duties in accordance with the policies of the Representative Council, and the rules and instructions of the Council, Executive Director, Division Director, and program administrator.
ADOPTED: December 13, 1990
REVISED: October 22, 1992
REVIEWED: June 1, 2000