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3.017. Smoking

3.017. Smoking

C.E.S. prohibits smoking and electronic nicotine delivery systems and vapor products in all areas under its control, including motor vehicles. No smoking and electronic nicotine delivery systems and vapor products are allowed in any building or on any property under C.E.S. control.
Employees will not smoke or use electronic nicotine delivery systems and vapor products at any time in the presence of students while engaged in activities where participation has been sanctioned by or is under the jurisdiction of C.E.S. such as trips and other staff/student activities. The Executive Director shall have the authority and responsibility to establish administrative regulations.

ADOPTED: August 20, 1987
REVIEWED: December 13, 1990
REVISED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: October 4, 2012
REVISED: October 1, 2015

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