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3.009. Closing of C.E.S. Due to Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies

3.009. Closing of C.E.S. Due to Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies

When inclement weather or other emergencies necessitate the closing of school, such closings shall be announced using a rapid notification service that can send out voice calls, email messages or SMS messages to students, parents and staff. In addition, announcements are made over the radio and local television networks. School Year employees are not expected to report to work if school is closed and shall make up the work day at a later time. Twelve Month employees are expected to report for work unless C.E.S. announces that its Central Offices are closed.

C.E.S. expects that every reasonable effort will be made by employees to report for work. It is understood that, at times, hazardous road conditions may make it difficult to report on time. Reasonable effort should be evident.

Employees who feel that they are unable to report for work may elect to take a vacation or personal day. In that event, employees must report by telephone and advise their supervisor of the election.

ADOPTED: December 13, 1990
REVIEWED: June 1, 2000
REVISED: November 6, 2014

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