3.006. Disciplinary Action – Non-Certified Personnel
3.006. Disciplinary Action – Non-Certified Personnel
The Executive Director is responsible for the administration of disciplinary action. He may take any disciplinary or other corrective action up to and including discharge or termination.
Disciplinary action may take the following forms: Verbal reprimand, written reprimand, docking of pay for time not worked, suspension with or without pay, discharge. Other corrective action may take the following forms: Reassignment, temporary relief from duty with or without pay, demotion, resignation by agreement of C.E.S. and the employee, other termination.
Any program manager, program administrator or division director may issue reprimands, relieve employees from duty where warranted, and dock employees’ pay for time not worked. The Division Director or the equivalent may take any disciplinary or other corrective action up to discharge or termination. Any employee who is relieved from duty shall return to work only after approval by the
Executive Director or, in his absence the employee’s Division Director or Six-to- Six Magnet School Director. Written documentation of disciplinary action, including verbal reprimands, shall be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. The employee shall have an opportunity to read the documentation and initial or sign it before it is placed in the personnel file. When an employee refuses to initial or sign the documentation, such fact should be noted on the written document. The employee may write a rebuttal to the documentation which rebuttal shall also be maintained in his personnel file. The Executive Director may suspend a non-certified employee with or without pay pending completion of discharge or termination proceedings.
An employee who is subject to dismissal or termination shall be advised in writing by the Executive Director that dismissal is being considered and that the employee has a right to an informal pre-termination hearing with the Executive Director by requesting such hearing within three (3) business days of being so advised. At the hearing, the employee will have the opportunity to hear the changes against him, to receive an explanation of the events leading to the charges and to explain his view of those events. Such hearing shall not prevent the Executive Director from proceeding with the discharge or termination as deemed necessary. The notification to the employee shall be hand delivered or sent by registered mail, return receipt requested. If at the completion of the pre- termination hearing, the Executive Director decides that the appropriate disciplinary action is other than discharge or termination, the employee shall be so notified by the Executive Director in writing. If, following the pre-termination hearing, the Executive Director determines that the employee shall be discharged or terminated, a letter of notification signed by the Executive Director shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the employee. Said letter shall clearly state the nature of the offense, the effective date of the dismissal and the reasons for such action.
ADOPTED: January 17, 1991
REVISED: October 22, 1992
REVISED: June 1, 2000