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2.021. Personnel Records

2.021. Personnel Records

Personnel records shall be maintained in individual employee personnel files and shall include information required for good personnel administration. Personnel files shall be considered confidential and shall not be made available to persons other than the employee, members of C.E.S. management staff and others as required by law. Individually identifiable information contained in the personnel file or medical records of any employee shall not be disclosed by any member of C.E.S. without the written authorization of the employee except where the information is limited to a verification of dates of employment, the employee’s title or position and the employee’s wage or salary.

An employee may inspect his personnel file when the employee is off duty and at a time convenient to the Personnel Office. Personnel file inspections must be conducted in the presence of a designated employee of the Personnel Office. Upon written request, the employee shall be provided with copies of documents contained in the personnel file, provided the employee pays the established per page copying charge.
Personnel records retention shall be in accord with the Connecticut State Library guidelines, where applicable.

ADOPTED: August 21, 1990
REVISED: June 1, 2000

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