2.019. Evaluation for Certified Personnel
2.019. Evaluation for Certified Personnel
Staff evaluation is essential to personnel management with far reaching ramifications including but not limited to: personal and professional growth, program direction, adherence to policy and procedure, promotion, discipline and morale. Therefore, C.E.S. maintains a strongly held belief/philosophy that staff evaluation is of the utmost importance to the employee, supervisor and Agency.
It shall be the policy of the Cooperative Educational Services that each employee shall be evaluated through an accurate, formal, consistent, and no less than annual process.
The Division Directors shall review annually the evaluation process with all supervisors. Supervisors shall be trained in the principles and methods of employee performance evaluation.
After review by appropriate division director the documents are then forwarded to the personnel office for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file.
The Division Directors shall bring any unacceptable evaluations to the attention of the Executive Director.
The Executive Director is authorized to establish procedures for the evaluation of employee performance which procedures shall be published in suitable manuals and updated as needed.