2.010. Employment of Relatives
2.010. Employment of Relatives
C.E.S. does not permit the hiring or promotion of a member of an employee’s immediate family into any position which would be directly supervised by said employee. Hiring a member of an employee’s immediate family into positions other than those supervised by said employee is permitted. “Immediate family” shall mean persons related by blood or marriage including but not limited to spouse, minor child or dependent.
No member of the Council or member of his/her immediate family shall have an interest in any contract with the agency, unless such interest is specifically permitted by statute.
“Interest” shall mean pecuniary or material benefit accruing to a Council member or his/her relatives resulting from a contractual relationship with the agency.
No member of the Council may be employed for compensation by the agency. If a Council member is employed by the agency, the office to which he or she was appointed shall become vacant.