1.001 Adoption and Revision of Personnel Policies and Procedures
1.001. Adoption and Revision of Personnel Policies and Procedures- The C.E.S. Representative Council has the final responsibility for establishing
policies for C.E.S.
The Executive Director has the responsibility for recommending policies to the Council and for carrying out the policies established.
The administrative and supervisory staff members have the responsibility for recommending policies and procedures to the Executive Director and for carrying out the policies and procedures established.
The personnel policies set forth in this manual have been adopted by the C.E.S. Representative Council. They supersede any and all previously existing policies. They may be amended from time to time by the Council in accordance with its constitution and bylaws.
Personnel procedures are enacted by the C.E.S. Executive Director who may change them as needed. Should changes occur, new written policies and/or procedures will be forwarded to all appropriate personnel with instructions for inclusion in their copies of this manual.
C.E.S. reserves the right to amend its personnel policies and procedures in accord with the by-laws of the Representative Council at any time. Nothing in this Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual is intended as a guarantee of employment or of conditions of employment for any employee.
Nothing contained in this manual is intended to create, nor shall be construed as creating, an expressed or implied contract of employment or guarantee of employment for any term. Unless otherwise provided by a contract of employment or by specific statute, employment at C.E.S. is at will. As such, C.E.S. employees shall retain the right to leave employment if they choose, while C.E.S. retains the right at all times as well to terminate any employee from employment at any time with or without notice, and to modify the terms of that employment.
C.E.S. policies, procedures, practices, and benefits may change with time. They may require clarifying, amending and/or supplementing. C.E.S. maintains the responsibility and the right to make changes at any time and will advise employees when changes occur. Any descriptions of various fringe benefits are summaries only and are provided solely for informational purposes. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a contractual right to receive such benefits. Should the descriptions in this handbook differ with any plan or document, the formal plan or
document shall govern.